Teacher of the Year 2012
Mike Cebula!
Ridge Hill Elementary School Physical Education teacher, Mike Cebula, is the 2011-12 Hamden Teacher of the Year!
Mike is the physical education teacher at Ridge Hill School. The youngest teacher to ever be honored with this award, Mike's enthusiasm and passion for his work are evident from the moment you meet him.
Mr. Cebula holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science and a Masters Degree in School Health Education from Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU). He was a student athlete and team captain in college (Cross Country/Track and Field). In addition to physical education classes at Ridge Hill, Mr. Cebula teaches in an after-school enrichment program and has been instrumental in organizing school spirit-building activities such as Family Fitness nights, basketball fundraisers and school field days.
Mr. Cebula also gives back to his profession. For the past two years, he has coordinated opportunities for SCSU pre-service physical education teachers to observe his K-6 students in action, to facilitate their development as future teachers. He also recently presented a workshop at the Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (CTAHPERD) Conference.
When not engrossed in school activities, Mr. Cebula enjoys participating in or watching sports. A particular highlight of the past two summers has been his participation in the Pan Mass Challenge, a two-day, 192 mile bike race that benefits cancer research at the Dana Farber Institute for Finding a Cure.
The Hamden Teacher of the Year honor is a yearly award. Teachers in each school
nominate and select from their staff one exemplary teacher, who then "competes"
among other schools' nominees in front of a district panel, who makes the final selection for our Teacher of the Year.