9230 - Orientation of Board Members
The Board of Education and the administrative staff shall assist each new member-elect to understand the Board's functions, policies and procedures and operation of the school system before the member takes office. The following methods shall be used:
- Each member-elect shall be given selected materials on the functions of the Board and the school system.
- Each member-elect shall be invited to attend Board meetings and committee meetings and to participate in its discussions.
- Each member-elect shall be invited to meet with the Superintendent and other administrative personnel to discuss the services they perform for the Board and the school system.
- Each member-elect shall be given a copy of the Board's policies, bylaws and administrative regulations, a copy of current relevant educational laws and of other relevant materials, including information from the Connecticut Association of Boards of Education.
- Each member-elect may attend, at system expense, workshops for newly elected members as approved by the Board of Education.
Bylaw adopted by the Board: October 14, 1997
Hamden Public Schools Hamden, Connecticut