The Chairperson of the Board of Education shall appoint such ad hoc committees as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the Board of Education. The Chairperson shall be an ex officio member of each committee.
Any ad hoc committee of both Board of Education and non Board of Education members shall be advisory to the full Board or any standing committee of the Board.
The duties of each ad hoc committee shall be outlined at the time of appointment, and the committee shall be dissolved when its final report has been made to the Board of Education.
All committees of the Board of Education shall follow the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as required by statute. All people attending such committee meetings are encouraged to participate in the discussion as appropriate.
(cf. 9131 Committee of the Whole)
(cf. 9132 Standing Committees)
Legal Reference
Connecticut General Statute
1-7 through 1-21k Freedom of Information Act
1-18a Definitions
1-21 Meetings of government agencies to be public
Bylaw adopted by the Board: October 14, 1997
Revised: February 12, 2002
Hamden Public Schools Hamden, Connecticut