The naming of school buildings, portions of buildings or school grounds is the responsibility of the Board of Education. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Board will make every effort to respect community preferences. Such names should be clearly Identified, widely known and recognized.
The individual for whom a portion of a school building or school grounds Is to be named must be shown to have broad-based, long-term impact to the school district community, should be of exemplary character and have made an extraordinary contribution to education or to the community. The person identified, llvlng or deceased, should be either a current or former resident of Hamden, or a current or former employee of Hamden Public Schools and connected, if at all possible, to the intended use of the designated space.
When the Board of Education is asked to consider a request by any group or Individual to name a school building or school facility after an Individual, the Board will require a written petition from the sponsoring group or Individual with supporting rationale outlining the justification for awarding this honor. This petition shall be considered by the Operations Committee of the Board, who will review the request and make a recommendation to the Board. Prior to final approval by the Board, a public hearing shall be held to solicit input from the community.
After final approval is granted by the Board of Education, the sponsoring group or individual assumes the responsibility for funding appropriate signage to dedicate the facility or any part thereof. All signage must be approved by the Board of Education.
The Board retains the right to make the final determination in the naming of buildings, major portions of school buildings or school grounds. In addition, the Board of Education reserves the right to review, reconsider or retract any name at its discretion. This policy notwithstanding, It is the intent of the Board that naming of portions of the building and school grounds occur infrequently and on a limited basis.
Policy adopted: June 14, 2005
Policy amended: February 8, 2011
Hamden Public Schools Hamden, Connecticut
Regulation 7551
Naming of School Buildings and Facilities
The naming of school buildings, portions of buildings or school grounds Is the responsibility of the Board of Education. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Board will make every effort to respect community preferences.
All nominations shall be accompanied by a written statement detailing the rationale for the nomination and any other documentation In support of the nomination. The administration will conduct a comprehensive investigation to ensure the tenets of the policy are fulfilled.
Upon successful completion of the above process, the administration will forward these nominations to the Operations Committee, which will then review the requests and make a ·recommendation to the Board. Prior to the final approval by the Board, a Public Hearing wlll be held to solicit community Input. The administration will provide notification to appropriate organizations in the community apprising them of the Public Hearing.
Following the Public Hearing, the final selection of name shall be made by a majority vote of the Board of Education. The administration shall then ensure that the sponsoring group or individual ·provides funding for appropriate slgnage, approved by the Board of Education, to dedicate the faclllty or any part thereof.
The Board of Education reserves the right to review, reconsider or retract any name at Its discretion. In the event that the Bo.arc! wishes to retract a name from a building or facility, the Board must first vote to consider removing the name. If a majority of the Bord votes in the affirmtive, a Public Hearing shall be held to Input. After such hearing, the Board will vote to either remove or retain the name.
Regulation Approved: February 8, 2011