Hamden Public Schools District Policies

6161.2-Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials


Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials

The Board of Education will impose sanctions against students who lose or damage textbooks and other educational materials. The Superintendent is authorized by the Board to set regulations and adopt any guidelines necessary to carry out this policy.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-221(c) Boards of education to prescribe rules
10-222(a) Boards to have use of funds derived from repayment for school materials

Policy adopted: June 10, 2003 HAMDEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS
  Hamden, Connecticut


Guidelines For Handling Overdue, Damaged or Lost Instructional Materials In Schools

Care of Books and Materials
Students will be responsible for the proper care of books and materials entrusted to their use. Students will be assessed damages for abuse of school buildings, equipment and materials.

Reimbursement for Lost or Destroyed Materials
Textbooks, paperbacks, library books and any other material or equipment, including athletic uniforms and equipment, which is lost or destroyed must be paid for at full replacement cost. This replacement cost is what the school system must pay to purchase same or similar materials at the time of the damage or loss.

Assessment for Damages to Materials
Students will be charged a proportionate amount of the total replacement cost for any damaged books or other instructional materials in their care. The staff member making the damage assessment will determine the amount of the total replacement cost to be assessed on the basis of the extent of the damage involved.

Method of Payment
Payments to the schools for lost or damaged instructional materials will be deposited in the school activity fund as a line item account and will be used to purchase replacement materials as necessary.
Students who are financially unable to make payment for lost or damaged instructional materials will be allow to arrange to work off their debts in a program approved by the school principal.

Unfulfilled Obligations
All lost or damaged materials must be paid for before the end of the school year in which the loss or damage occurs or before a student officially withdraws from the Hamden School District.
Students who have not fulfilled these obligations will be denied report cards, transcripts, copies of any other records and recommendations from the school system.
Students in the twelfth (12th) grade who have not fulfilled these obligations will also be denied a cap and gown and the right to participate in the graduation ceremonies of their class.

Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes

10-221 Boards of education to prescribe rules
10-22a Boards to have use of funds derived from repayment for school materials.

Regulation approved: May 11, 2004 HAMDEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS
  Hamden, Connecticut