Hamden Public Schools District Policies

6145.81 - Student Fund Raising

Soliciting and Selling 

Soliciting or selling for school-sponsored activities shall be permitted upon the approval of the Superintendent of Schools or the Superintendent’s designee. 


Policy adopted:  May 11, 2004

Hamden Public Schools     Hamden, Connecticut

Regulation 6145.81

Student Fund Raising and Management of Funds 

Fund raising by staff and students for the purpose of augmenting certain programs and activities in the public schools of Hamden must adhere to specific guidelines as set forth and administered by the following staff personnel: 

1.    Responsibilities of the Principal

a.    Procedure for developing fund raising programs and activities
b.    Fund raising programs and activities
c.    Distribution of funds
d.    Fund use
e.    Monitoring

2.    Responsibilities of the Director

a.    Monitoring

The Responsibilities of the Principal 

A.    Procedure for developing fund raising programs

  1. Students and or staff may identify an area needing financial assistance as long as it is with the full agreement of the Principal.
  2. Principal will outline regulations governing fund raising to staff and/or student.
  3. Staff and/or students must submit a fund raising plan in writing to the Principal.
  4. The Principal will either approve and accept the plan or reject it for reason.

B.    Fund raising program and/or activity

  1. Permission on fund raising projects involving sale of products or tickets must be submitted to the appropriate director one full month prior to the event.
  2. All fund raising activities must be within the limits of local, state and federal statutes.
  3. Fund raising activities must comply with the social and moral parameters of the community.
  4. No pupils of the school may be used in door to door solicitation or any type of solicitation which may place them in jeopardy or endanger them physically, psychologically or emotionally,.

C.    Distribution of Funds

  1. The fund raising program plan must include a plan of how profits for a program and/or activities are to be distributed.
  2. Funds cannot be used for anything other than that stated in the written program and/or activity plan.

D.    Fund Use

  1. Principals will see to it that funds are utilized as per the program and/or activity plan.
  2. Under no circumstances can the funds be used to hire full or part time teaching personnel.
  3. Under no circumstances can the funds be used to supplement the Board of Education mandated programs.
  4. Funds may be used to augment admission costs, trip expenses, extra curricula after-school activities and special materials.


A.    Elementary/Middle

  1. All money will be placed into a bank account with the Principal and two other staff members on the bank account.  Two signatures must be required to withdraw funds for the account.
  2. All records of deposits and withdrawals must be duly recorded.
  3. An annual financial report must be made to the appropriate Director and Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operation by June 30 of each year. Copy of report must be available in the Principal’s office on request.
  4. All financial records of a school will be audited when there is a change in that school administrative leadership.

B.    High School

  1. Permission on fund raising projects involving sale of products or tickets must be submitted to the appropriate Director one full month prior to the event.
  2. Students will not be allowed to go off school grounds to make sales.  (i.e. door to door soliciting, sales at department stores, etc.).
  3. Fund raising activities sponsored within the school must have Principal's permission.  (i.e. cake sales, car washes, book fairs, dances).
  4. One bonded person must be assigned to handle all money from students’ activity funds and school stores.
  5. All checks will be co-signed.  (bonded person/Principal/designee)
  6. An annual financial report must be made available to appropriate Director and Assistant Superintendent for finance and operations.  Copy of report must be available in the Principal’s office upon request.
  7. All financial records of a school will be audited when there is a change in that schools administrative leadership.


Regulation approved:  April 11, 2000

Hamden Public Schools     Hamden, Connecticut