Suicide Prevention/Intervention
The Board of Education recognizes that suicide is a complex issue.
The Board of Education recognizes the need for youth suicide prevention procedures and prevention programs. Educational programs are provided to increase student and school staff awareness of the risk factors and the warning signs that contribute to suicidal behavior, procedures to intervene with such youth, referral services and training for teachers, other school professionals and students to provide assistance in these programs. While the school may recognize a potentially suicidal youth, it cannot make a clinical assessment of risk and provide in depth counseling. The Board directs school staff to refer students who may be at risk of attempting suicide to an appropriate service for professional assessment, counseling, and treatment services outside of the school.
Suicide intervention procedures are designed to identify and refer students vulnerable to becoming at risk for, or students who may already be at risk for suicide. School-wide interventions will address the completed suicide or suicidal attempt that affects more than an individual student.
Any school employee who may have knowledge of a suicide threat, attempt or ideation must take the proper steps to immediately report this information to the building principal or his/her designee who will, in turn, notify the appropriate school officials, the Crisis Intervention Team, the student's family and appropriate resource services outside and within the school system.
Information concerning a student's suicide attempt, threat, or risk will be shared with others to the degree necessary to protect that student and others.
All suicide prevention, intervention and follow-up programs will be reviewed, evaluated and revised on a regular basis or as needed.
(cf. 4131 Professional Development)
(cf. 5131.911 Bullying)
(cf. 6146 Graduation Requirements)
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-16b Prescribed courses of study including suicide prevention.
10-145a Specific components of teacher preparation programs including suicide prevention.
10-220a In-service training professional development and mental health risk reduction education.
10-221(e) Boards of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures.
Policy revised: |
May 12, 2022 |
Policy adopted: |
July 12, 2004 |
Hamden, Connecticut |