Hamden Public Schools District Policies

5131.9 - Gang Activity and Sororities and Fraternities

Only those student organizations approved by the administration, and to which membership is open to the entire student body, are authorized by the Board of Education to function on school property, school transportation, or in school-related activities. 

The Board of Education prohibits the presence of activities on school property, school transportation, or at school-related activities of gangs, secret societies or other organizations which restrict membership, such as fraternities and sororities. Such restrictive groups have no legitimate place in public education. Gangs which initiate, advocate, or promote activities which threaten the safety or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or which disrupt the school environment are harmful to the educational process. 

No student will be allowed to display or wear any insignia or such an organization or to engage in any activities relating to membership in such an organization while on school property, school transportation or participating in school-related activities. The use of hand signals, graffiti, or the presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute which indicates or implies membership or affiliation with such a group, presents a clear and present danger. This is contrary to the school environment and educational objectives and creates an atmosphere where unlawful acts or violations of school regulations may occur. Incidents involving initiations, hazings, intimidations, and/or related activities of such group affiliations which are likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to students are prohibited. 

Any student who violates the provisions of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion from school. 

The administration will establish regulations to enforce the provisions of this policy. These regulations will not deny equal access to secondary school facilities during non-instructional time to any students who wish to meet when the reason for the denial is the religious, political, philosophical or other content of the speech of such meeting. 

The administration will provide service training in gang behavior and characteristics to facilitate staff identification of students at-risk and promote membership in authorized school groups and/or activities as an alternative. 

Legal Reference:  

Jeglin v. San Jacinto Unified School District 
(827F. Supp. 1459-C.D.Ca. 1993) 

Olesen v. Board of Education School District No. 228 (676F. Supp. 820-N.D. Ill. 1987) 


Policy adopted:  June 8, 2004

Hamden Public Schools     Hamden, Connecticut