Threats or Acts of Violence
The Board of Education recognizes that threats or acts of violence have become a major problem in schools throughout the country among young people and, consequently, is a concern to this school system and the community it serves. The Board recognizes that threats or acts of violence are complex but they are also disruptive to the educational process and can not be tolerated.
Therefore, any school employee who may have knowledge of a threat or act of violence must take the proper steps to report this information to the school principal who will, in turn, notify the appropriate school officials, the student’s family and appropriate resource services.
(cf. 5114 - Suspension and Expulsion/Due Process)
(cf. 5130 - Student Conduct)
(cf. 5131.7 - Weapons and Dangerous Instruments)
(cf. 5141.5 - Crisis Management)
(cf. 5141.6 - Safety)
(cf. 5144 -Discipline/Punishment)
(cf. 5144.2 - Use of Physical Force)
(cf. 5144.3 - Discipline of Students with Disabilities)
(cf. 5145.12 - Search and Seizure)
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes
4-176e through 4-180a. Contested Cases. Notice. Record.
10-233a through 10-233f. Suspension, removal and expulsion of students, as amended by PA 95-304 and PA 96-244.
53a-3 Definitions.
53a-217b Possession of Firearms and Deadly Weapons on School Grounds.
PA 94-221 An Act Concerning School Discipline and Safety.
GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, Pub. L. 103-227.
18 U.S.C. 921 Definitions.
Title III - Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Sec. 314 (Local Control Over Violence)
Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 as amended by the Gun Free Schools Act of 1994
P.L. 105-17 The Individuals with Disabilities Act, Amendment of 1997.
Policy adopted: June 14, 2005
Hamden Public Schools Hamden, Connecticut