Hamden Public Schools District Policies

5124 - Reporting to Parents and Guardians 

The Board of Education believes that good communication between parent/guardian and teacher is important in the educational process. 

With this in mind, the Board believes that the reporting contacts between parent/guardian and teacher should be varied and frequent. All forms and methods of communication, such as parent-teacher conferences, mail, telephone, and school visits will be used. 

All progress reports should reflect the educational growth of the student in relation to his/her ability, attitudes, interests, conduct or citizenship, and achievement. 
It is the responsibility of the teacher to communicate as often as needed in order to assist in the overall progress of the student. Frequent communication between the teacher and the parent/guardian is desired and advisable. 

Nothing within this policy is to conflict in any way with the statutory provisions insuring the privacy and confidentiality of student/professional communications as protected by C.G.S. Section 10-154a. 

Legal Reference: 

Connecticut General Statutes 

10-15b Access of parent or guardian to student's records.

46b-56 Access to records of minor children by non-custodial parent. 


Policy adopted: June 14, 2005

Hamden Public Schools, Hamden, Connecticut