Students are required to earn a minimum of 5.5 credits by the end of their freshman year in order to be promoted to the sophomore year. Students in their sophomore year are expected to have accumulated 11 credits by the end of the year in order to be promoted to their junior year. Students in their junior year are expected to have accumulated 16 of credits by the end of the year in order to be promoted to their senior year.
Communication to parents/guardian continues throughout this process. Parents are contacted by teachers and/or counselors, as needed. Interim progress reports are mailed to the home quarterly. An extensive series of contacts to the parents/guardian/student is made to the senior who experiences possible academic difficulty concerning the achievement of graduation requirements. Students/parents in this type of situation receive a graduation status letter quarterly. Counselors are required to telephone parents of student in danger of not graduating. Teachers are required to issue interim progress reports to parents of any students in danger of failing. Again, report cards are also distributed after each marking period.
Regulation approved: June 14, 2005
Hamden Public Schools, Hamden, Connecticut