Bus Driver Safety/Complaints
When a complaint is received from a bus driver concerning a discipline problem, the following procedure shall be utilized:
1. The administrator shall discuss the problem with the student. At that time a review of proper behavior will be discussed and a reminder given concerning the consequences of repeated acts.
2. Should a second complaint be made, the administrator will again discuss the situation with the student. At that time the parents will be notified of the problem and informed that continued misbehavior will result in a suspension of bus privileges.
3. A third complaint will result in a notification of parents and suspension of bus privileges. Transportation during the period of suspension shall be the responsibility of the parents.
In cases where the offense is of such gravity as to endanger the safety and well being of other occupants of the bus, the above procedure may be disregarded and immediate suspension be invoked. In all cases due process procedures shall be followed as described in Policy 5114.
Information concerning this policy shall be given to students and parents early in each school year.
(cf. 5114 - Suspension/Expulsion)
(cf. 5131.1 - Bus Conduct)
Policy adopted: January 11, 2005