Goals/Objectives for Student Accomplishment Educational Goals
The Hamden Board of Education establishes the following educational goals to give direction and perspective to the public schools in Hamden.
These goals are presented with the full realization that the school is only one of several social institutions or influences affecting the child. Its contribution is modified by the intellectual, social, emotional, and affective potentialities that each child brings to the school environment. Our intent is that the school should contribute as fully as possible to the development of each child in the directions indicated by the goals stated.
As a result of those experiences provided in the Hamden Public Schools, each student should:
- Develop Competency and Interest in the Use of Language
A. Master the skills of reading.
B. Speak and write standard English effectively.
C. Read with understanding and discrimination.
D. Read for personal enjoyment.
E. Develop fluency and expression in oral reading.
F. Develop familiarity with and an appreciation of good literature.
G. Develop an ability to write creatively.
H. Develop oral communication skills.
I. Evaluate critically what one sees, reads, and hears.
J. Learn a language other than English, as appropriate to particular needs and aptitudes.
K. Develop the ability to listen and follow directions.
L. Develop the ability for all students to have good study skills and habits.
2. Develop Competency and Interest in Mathematics
A. Understand basic mathematical symbols, concepts, and definitions.
B. Perform arithmetical and mathematical calculations with appropriate speed and accuracy.
C. Apply mathematical concepts.
D. Formulate and solve mathematical problems.
E. Apply mathematics to daily living and to specialized interests.
F. Understand mathematical symbols as precise communication.
G. Understand the role of mathematics in the world about us.
H. Develop personal satisfaction in the competent use of mathematics.
I. To develop the ability to utilize manipulative and technology to solve problems.
J. To work cooperatively with peers to solve problems.
3. Develop Competency and Interest in Physical, Biological and Earth Sciences
A. Learn scientific principles and concepts appropriate to pupil maturity and experience.
B. Understand science as discovery, exploration, and investigation.
C. Understand science in relationship to the environment.
D. Develop and evaluate alternative solutions to problems involving scientific concepts and methodology.
E. Apply scientific concepts and methodology to every day problems.
F. Recognize ethical problems in science.
G. Develop personal satisfaction from the use of scientific concepts, principles, and methodology.
4. Develop Knowledge, Competence, Attitudes, and Values For Responsible Citizenship
A. Understand the principles and values of American democracy.
B. Know local, state, national, and world history.
C. Know local, state, national, and world geography.
D. Know the structures and functions of government-local, state and national.
E. Understand local, state, national and international issues and problems.
F. Evaluate current events, issues, and policies and also their relationship in a historical context.
G. Evaluate present and past political practices at various levels of government.
H. Understand political-economic ideologies and cultures other than our own.
I. Assess distant events on governments, groups and individuals in world society.
J. Understand and participate in the political process to the degree possible.
K. Know the interrelations of political, economic, social, and psychological forces in our political systems.
L. Develop an appreciation of law and a respect for the individual in society.
M. Understand and support the values that sustain a free society.
5. Develop Student Motivation To Learn Through Self-Knowledge and Personal/Social Skills
A. Accept learning as a lifelong process of self-development providing satisfaction and pleasure.
B. Develop imagination and curiosity.
C. Develop self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-reliance.
D. Respect the rights and dignity of others.
E. Develop responsibility.
F. Listen to and appreciate other views.
G. Cooperate with others in the pursuit of goals.
H. Develop insight into personal motivations and biases.
I. Develop awareness of common social values, their history, and their rationale.
J. Develop ability to commit to worthwhile purposes.
K. Develop self-discipline.
L. Evaluate and use personal abilities effectively.
M. Develop a sense of personal identity.
N. Develop a sense of humor in all students.
O. Develop a sense of trust, and trustworthiness in all students.
6. Develop Knowledge, Skills and Insights For Careers
A. Make informed personal decisions.
B. Understand career opportunities and requirements.
C. Recognize the basic knowledge and skills required in jobs and careers
D. Develop vocational skills that complement basic education and which contribute later to productive performance and/or training on the job.
E. Develop knowledge and insight to enter a job, career, or training program.
7. Develop Understanding, Appreciation, Interest, Participation, and Competence in Art, Music Drama, and Dance
A. Develop skills in, and an appreciation of art.
B. Develop skills in, and an appreciation of music.
C. Develop understanding and an appreciation of theater and drama.
D. Develop skills in and an appreciation of the dance.
E. Develop awareness of aesthetic experiences and interests in everyday living.
F. Develop appreciation of aesthetic interests and activities in the history of mankind.
8. Develop Knowledge, Competence, Attitudes, and Values for Good Health, Parenthood, Family Life, and Personal Living
A. Develop understanding of the family and of the commitments and obligations of family members in our society.
B. Develop knowledge and skills required in parenting, family management, and homemaking.
C. Understand our economic system and its implications for the individual.
D. Develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to function effectively as a consumer.
E. Develop good health habits, personal hygiene, dietary practices, and physical conditioning.
F. Understand the effects of drugs, tobacco, and other potentially harmful substances.
G. Participate in leisure time activities.
H. Acquire interest and skill in healthful lifetime physical activities.
I. Develop an awareness of the public's health, welfare, and safety.
9. Develop Knowledge and Respect for Diversity in Today's Society
A. Develop an appreciation for and an understanding of other people and other cultures.
B. Develop an understanding of political, economic, and social patterns of the rest of the world.
C. Develop awareness of the interdependence of races, creeds, nations, etc.
D. Develop an awareness of the processes of group relationships.
Policy adopted: December 9, 1997