Yes, we do have some eBooks available in our school library through our offerings in the Destiny Catalog. Students should use their personal student username and password to access this account. (Typically, usernames are the same as students' Google logins, not including the Students have the option to read eBooks online or download them through the Follett Brytewave app.
The following devices support the Follett Brytewave app: iPhone, iPod touch, iPad (ios 6.0 and above), Android (3.0 and above) tablet devices, Nook HD, Nook HD+ and Kindle
The Follett Brytewave K-12 App can be downloaded through iTunes. If you are using an Android, the app must be downloaded through Google Play.
In addition, Hamden Public Library has a wide variety of eBooks and online audio books that can be accessed from their website.