eBooks & Audiobooks

Accessing eBooks & Audiobooks

There are many places to find free e-books-- some of which have always existed-- and others now offering free access due to the COVID19 crisis.  Listed below are those with the most engaging material and a high quality, user friendly format.  

Destiny Discover

The best place to begin is with your own school's library.  Click the Destiny icon to enter the district's library catalog, from which you can access a diverse collection of current popular titles, books that support the curriculum, non-fiction offerings and our growing e-Book collection. 

Hamden Public Library provides students access to the catalogs of Hamden's public libraries. Students can peruse the collection, download eBooks and Audio books, and find hours and locations of each branch.

You need a library card, which can be provided electronically in 24 hours.

More FREE Electronic Resources

revitedlit.com is another great resource for high quality fiction and non-fiction young adult titles by Simon & Schuster publishing company.

Project GutenbergProject Gutenberg provides readers with free access to books within the Public Domain (think classics)-- AND in a variety of languages-- for free. No username and password needed.