After-School Activities: Clubs, Sports & Intramurals

Join Our School Community


Hamden Middle School offers students a variety of options to get involved in our school community.  Our clubs and intramurals meet throughout the school year.  Please see our school calendar for specific meeting dates.

Click Here to view our HMS Calendar


Girls Soccer

Day(s) of the Week: Schedule posted on the HMS Website Calendar
Start Date: September 
End Date:  November
Pick-Up Location: Soccer Fields behind school, no later than 4:45PM
Registration Process: Students must have an updated Physical Form and a Permission to Participate form completed (front and back)

Notes: Students athletes need cleats and shinguards.  Soccer ball encouraged. 

Boys Soccer

Day(s) of the Week: Schedule posted on the HMS Website Calendar
Start Date: September
End Date: November
Pick-Up Location: Soccer Fields behind school, no later than 4:45PM
Registration Process: Students must have an updated Physical Form and a Permission to Participate form completed (front and back)

Notes: Students athletes need cleats and shinguards.  Soccer ball encouraged.

Girls Volleyball

Instructor: Coach Kim Mallard
Day(s) of the Week: Schedule posted on the HMS Website Calendar
Start Date: September 
End Date:  November
Pick-Up Location: Outside of the Gym (front of the school), no later than 4:45PM
Registration Process: Students must have an updated Physical Form and a Permission to Participate form completed (front and back)

Notes: Students athletes need sneakers and shorts/sweatpants.  Kneepads are encouraged.

Girls Basketball

Instructor: Coach Kim Mallard
Day(s) of the Week: Monday-Friday, except on Game Days; Schedule posted on the HMS Website Calendar
Start Date: November
End Date:  January
Meeting Place: Gym
Registration Process: Students must have an updated Physical Form and a Permission to Participate form completed (front and back)

Notes: Student athletes need to come to practice prepared and have a ride arrive promptly at 5PM on practice days and immediately following games on game days. Pickup in front of the school.

Boys Basketball

Instructor: Coach Charles Neal
Day(s) of the Week: Schedule posted on the HMS Website Calendar
Start Date: November
End Date:  January
Meeting Place: Gym
Registration Process: Quarter 1 grades determine eligibility and Quarter 2 grades determine continued eligibility.  Students must maintain a C average in all classes. Students must have an updated Physical Form and a Permission to Participate form completed (front and back)

Notes: Student athletes need to come to practice prepared and have a ride arrive promptly at 5PM on practice days and immediately following games on game days.  A schedule will be sent home and posted for all student athletes. Pickup in front of the school.


Fall Intramurals: Cross Country

Instructor: Mr. Shea
Day(s) of the Week:  Mondays & Wednesdays (excluding Dragon Pride Days/Early Dismissal Days)
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: September 25th
End Date: November
Registration Process: Sign-Up in Google Classroom

Description:  Cross Country running is a sport where individuals run outdoors. Students will focus on conditioning, agility, and long distance running while also building lasting friendships. Students should be dressed to run outside, and should bring a water bottle. All runners must ask their parent sign an Athletic Permission to Participate form.  

This is a 16-session activity.

Winter Intramurals/ Snowboard & Ski Club

Instructor: Mr. Cebula
Day(s) of the Week: Thursday
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: December
End Date:  February
Registration Process: 
Description: Students who are interested in skiing and snowboarding are invited to participate.  Students will have the opportunity to travel to Mount Southington to either learn to ski/snowboard or to showoff their skills. 

Spring Intramurals

Instructor: TBD
Day(s) of the Week: TBD
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: TBD
End Date:   
Meeting Place: Fitness Room
Registration Process: Signed participation form submitted.

Description: Spring Intramurals include Strength and Conditioning for various sports, along with skills specific to track and field.



A-Team (Gr. 7 & Gr. 8)

Instructors: Ms. Mule & Ms. Evans
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesday
Start Date: September 25th 
End Date:  May

Registration Process: This club is for students who want to get involved in making our HMS community better.  Students will create and share community service projects with our our school. 

Merengue & Bachata Club

Instructor: Mr. Santos
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays, 2x per month
Start Date: September 25th
End Date:  May 
Meeting Place: Room 156

Description: This club-- hosted by Sr. Santos-- meets two Wednesdays per month.  The first Wednesday session focuses on the history of the dances.  The second Wednesday is dedicated to dancing.  Students are welcome to join one or both sessions each month!

Math Club

Instructors: Ms. Zarate
Day(s) of the Week: Every other Wednesday beginning September 25th
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: September 25th
End Date: May
Registration Process: Contact Ms. Zarate in Room 135 for information.

Description:  Do you enjoy puzzles, games, and challenges? Do you find math easy? Do you want to have fun while learning new types of math outside of your regular math class? Not a "problem"! The HMS math club is for you! The math club meets twice a month for activities and competitions.

Jazz Band

Instructor: Mr. Gunn
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 2:50pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: September 25th
End Date: May
Meeting Place: Room 105
Description: Students who play saxophone, trumpet, low brass, guitar, bass, piano or drum set are eligible to audition.  Students must be able to read music and be willing to work on basic improvisation.    Members will perform at concerts and other school events throughout the year. 

Mock Trial

Instructor: Mr. Rocco
Day(s) of the Week: Every other Wednesday
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: September 25th
End Date: May
Meeting Place: Room 144
Registration Process: Contact Mr. Rocco (Room 123) for more information
Description:  Mock Trial is for students interested in a future career in law.  Students will have an opportunity to review cases based on actual events.  They will take on the role of attorney, witness, victim or defendant and prepare how they will present their case.  Students will compete against one another in two simulations throughout the year.  Students will also have the opportunity to participate in various field trips connected to the criminal justice system throughout the year including a visit to New Haven Superior Court.


National Junior Honor Society

Instructor: Ms. Rodriguez & Ms. Johnson
Day(s) of the Week:  Wednesdays, See HMS Website Calendar for dates
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Meeting Place: Room 124
Registration Process: Contact Mrs. Rodriguez (Room 147) or Ms. Johnson (Room 124) for more information
Application Process: Complete Application
Description:   The National Junior Honor Society is open to 7th and 8th grade students who receive high honors during the first two marking periods of the school year and meet the require standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship.  After the second marking period, sponsors will review students’ grades and if they are eligible, the student will be invited to fill out an application and participate in the interview process.  We will meet to plan and implement various community service projects in the school and community.

NJHS Application 2024-2025

News Club

Instructor: Mrs. McCulley
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: September 25th, 2x per month
End Date: May
Meeting Place: Library Media Center
Registration Process: Email Mrs. McCulley or visit the Library Media Center
Description:  This club is for students who are interested in contributing to our WHMS school news broadcast and/or our digital newspaper, The Dragon's Post.  Students may showcase their creative talents by creating a segment to appear on our school news broadcast, or by contributing to our digital newspaper.  Artists, writers, photographers & creators welcome!

Student Council

Instructor: Ms. Fiorillo
Day(s) of the Week:  Wednesdays
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: September 25th
End Date: May 2024
Meeting Place: Room 127
Registration Process: See Ms. Fiorillo in Room 127 for details
Description:  The Student Council is an organization that will develop leadership skills within our students. The Council will work together to support a positive school climate. Under Ms. Fiorillo's direction, students will implement activities to support our work with No Place for Hate, Say Something, and Start with Hello. They will help make decisions about student life at HMS, and their voices will be heard!

Technology Club

Instructor: TBD
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Registration Process: This Club is Currently Full for Semester 1
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: October 
End Date: May 
Meeting Place: Room 270

Description: Technology Club focuses on building Vex Robots and using them to compete in various competitions with club members during a 8-day session.  In addition to robots, one day will be dedicated to 3D printing, and one day will be dedicated to drones.

This club is divided into TWO sessions (semester 1 & semester 2), requires pre-registration, and is limited to 16 students due to the equipment needed to complete projects.  

Tennis Club

Instructor: Ms. Gejda
Day(s) of the Week:  Wednesdays
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: October 2nd
End Date: November 20th
Registration Process: See Ms. Gejda and/or join the Google Classroom for details
Description:  Are you interested in playing tennis?  No experience required!  This fun after school club is for anyone who enjoys and/or wants to learn more about tennis.

Yearbook Club

Instructor: Ms. Santiago
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 2:50 pm – 3:35 pm
Start Date: January 17th, 2024
End Date: May 2024
Meeting Place: Room 158

Description:  The Yearbook Club is an important part of our HMS community. The students will help select a theme, take pictures of student life, create unique spreads, and market sales for our annual HMS Yearbook.

YES Club

Instructor: Ms. Williams
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Start Date: September 25th
End Date:  May
Location: Room 114

Description: Do you love helping people? Would you like to learn more about being an educator? Do you think you could be a mentor for  younger students?  Then the YES club is for you!
Registration Process: See Ms. Williams in Room 114 (House 1, 1st Floor) to join the YES Club.