About Us

HMS Vision Statement


HMS Theory of Action


About Us

Middle school is an in-between time - right in the middle between elementary school and high school. In Hamden, our middle school currently instructs 7th and 8th grade students (although there are plans to transition 6th grade to the middle school in the coming years). 

In an effort to best meet the needs of early adolescents, Hamden Middle School uses a "Team" approach. Teaming allows for smaller cohorts of students to work together during the day, providing a way for teachers to get to know their students better and thus better meet their social/emotional and academic needs. This approach also provides the opportunity for multi-disciplinary learning - a great way to make learning more meaningful and engaging.

Contact Us

Our Main Office is open Monday through Friday from 7AM to 3:25PM.

Please note: we will not being answering our phones after 3:25 PM on school days.

Contact Us


 Hamden Public Schools   (203) 407-2000
 HMS Main Office    (203) 407-7193
 HMS Fax   (203) 407-3141 
 HMS School Nurse    (203) 407-7192
 First Student Bus Company    (203) 288-2887
 HPS Transportation Office   (203) 407-2423