Hamden Middle School

Welcome to Hamden Middle School

Contact Us

Our Main Office is open Monday through Friday from 7AM to 3:25PM.

Please note: we will not being answering our phones after 3:25 PM on school days.

Reporting an Absence

 Need to report an absence?  
Attendance Matters


Attendance Matters


HMS Bus Routes

 Bus Routes

Late Buses 

Late bus begins on Tuesday, September 17th.
 Late Bus runs only on Tuesdays & Wednesdays and are for students staying after school to participate in teacher office hours or school clubs and/or activities.  Most after school activities begin at 2:49PM and end at 3:34PM or later.  Students taking the late bus should be expected to arrive home between 4:30PM and 4:45PM.  

Late bus routes are posted in the cafeteria.

Leaving Hamden Public Schools? 

Complete the Required Withdrawal Form & Request Transcripts

If your child is NOT attending Hamden Middle School OR High School for the 2023-2024 school year, please complete the attached withdrawal form.  This completed form can be emailed to  gcolburn@hamden.org or mailed to HMS Attn: Gayle Colburn.

This form gives HMS permission to send all of your child’s records to their new school at the end of the year.

Early Dismssal Days 2024-2025


Read Principal Coogan's Newsletter Here

Dragon's Tale Logo 24-25

HMS Dragon's Tale, Week of February 3rd

Interested in playing Lacrosse for the town of Hamden?  

Learn More About Lacrosse Here!

Show Your HMS Spirit

Interested in purchasing Spirit Wear?  If so, visit our shop!

Shop Our Spirit Wear

Visit our SPIRIT WEAR Shop

Buy a Yearbook Here!

Say Something: Anonymous Reporting System 

Say Something Reporting System

Click on the link below and be directed to the Say Something website where you can:

  • Download the Say Something App;
  • Call the Hotline;
  • Submit a Tip via the Website.

    Remember: All tips are anonymous...

Say Something! Submit a Tip

Important Dates

For a complete list of events, including athletic events, please visit the calendar page from the HMS black and white banner.

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