Hamden High School

2040 Dixwell Avenue
(203) 407-2040
(203) 407-2041 fax  

Mr. Eric JacksonPrincipal

HHS House Information


Whitney House

Assistant Principal
Last Names A - Di

Quinnipiac House

Ms. Amanda Forcucci
Assistant Principal
Last Names Dj - K

Sleeping Giant House

Assistan Principal
Last Names L - P

Washburn House

Assistant Principal
Last Names Q - Z


HHS Program of Studies

2025-26 Program of studies

The Four-Year Worksheet can be found at the end of the Program of Studies. Course Selection forms will be distributed to students during assemblies.  

Graduation Requirements

2024-25 Program of Studies

NCAA Student Eligibility

General Information

The Hamden Board of Education reserves the right to drop any course in which enrollment is insufficient.  If a course is oversubscribed, past academic performance will determine student’s enrollment in the course.  Every attempt will be made to schedule a student for all the courses and programs he/she requests.  Reference will be made to alternate course choices submitted at the time of registration.

If no alternative choices are submitted, students will be assigned to classes on a space-available basis. 

Selecting Courses

All students must schedule classes for a minimum of 6 credits for the year. In selecting courses, students should be guided by Hamden High School's graduation requirements.  After selecting courses necessary for high school graduation, students may complete their schedules by choosing courses to meet their individual career and academic plans.  It is important that students enroll in courses according to their own interests, abilities and needs.

Level Recommendations

Teachers make professional judgments regarding course level recommendations.  The judgments are based on performance data.  If a parent desires to change a level recommendation as presented by the teacher, the Override Form must be completed and submitted to the Counseling Office at the time of registration.  

In subjects taught in a sequence, such as world languages and math, it is recommended that a student not advance to the next course in the sequence unless he/she had earned at least a C for the previous year’s work.  Students who receive a D in a sequential language or math course should consider continuing their study of the subject in one of the courses offered in the basic series, or these students may seek the permission of the course instructor to take a make-up examination during the summer in an effort to improve their final grade in the course.