Helen Street Elementary School
Welcome to Helen Street School
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Please watch this video and plan to follow these procedures starting Monday, August 26.
2024 - 2025 Staff
Congratulations to
Helen Street School's Teacher of the Year...
Mrs. Lindsey Eaton - 5th Grade
Helen Street School and all Hamden Public schools will be using Parent Square for school and districtwide communications. Click here for more information.
As you know, all Hamden Public Schools are closed due to the Coronavirus. Although essential staff may be in our buildings, our schools and central office are currently closed to the public.
Related to school meals, breakfast and lunch are available Monday - Friday, from 9:00-12:00 each morning at Hamden High, Hamden Middle and Church Street Schools. Any child 18 years and younger is eligible for these meals, which can be picked up by students or parents/guardians.
We have created a page to provide Hamden Public Schools updates during the Coronavirus pandemic. Please regularly check www.Hamden.org/Coronavirus for current information affecting the Hamden Public Schools community.
The next Hamden School-Based Farmer’s Market will be open at Dunbar Hill School on Monday, FEBRUARY 24. (Even though it's being held at Dunbar Hill - the food is available for ALL families.) CT Food Bank, Hamden Public Schools and the Family Resource Center are collaborating to distribute assorted foods to ALL HPS students and families. Please bring reusable bags with you.
The CT Food Bank will come to Dunbar Hill School (back parking lot) with their mobile food truck, once a month, filled with assorted healthy foods for all of Hamden Public School Students and their families. The food will be distributed for one hour, (from 3:30pm-4:30pm). No I.D. and at No cost, participants will just need to bring a bag, line up, and receive their produce. Please see the flyer with all the dates. (English/Spanish)
Anyone who wishes to volunteer can contact Hector Velazquez, 203-407-2020 ext. 9.
Excerpts of a Letter from Mr. Joseph Adams (Dated November 20, 2019)~
"Dear Helen Street School-- Students, Teachers, Principal and Staff:
Helen Street was in fact named for my mother [Helen Adams]. Years ago my mother's parents had a farm in Hamden, right where Helen Street is now. They had a peach orchard and chickens and grew vegetables. When the town was putting in more streets, my mother's parents were allowed to name a few of the streets. Helen Street was named for my mother and William Street for her younger brother.
For me, it was quite a wonderful thing to learn now there's an elementary school on Helen Street! [My mother] always said that there's no better way to spend your time and energy than teaching and helping young people. She especially loved teaching Kindergarten. I'm sending along a picture of her with one of her many Kindergarten classes.
Helen Street School [webpage] looks like a wonderful school! You're all so lucky to have that great learning environment!"