Parents & PTA
Families at the 2022 Dunbar Hill School Open House
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(for Dunbar PTA Information, see that page)
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Dunbar Hill parents & guardians can support their child's education by agreeing to:
* Make sure their child is on time for school, attends school daily, and has the materials he/she needs.
* Monitor their child’s progress and contact the teacher early if concerns arise, and attend Report Card conferences.
* Support their child in following the school’s expectations for behavior.
* Read and respond to notices, forms and notes from the school/teacher.
* Look for notices regularly, review the monthly calendar and check the school web site for information.
* Monitor homework and provide a quiet space for your child to read nightly.
* Participate in school-related family events and be an active member of the school’s PTA.
* Monitor TV and Internet viewing and encourage TV and online channels like PBS Kids to build content knowledge and vocabulary.
* Talk to their child about the importance of education and trying his/her best.
Here are more resources to help parents:
Dunbar Hill Handbook 2021-2022
Acknowledgment of Receipt of HandbookHamden Public Schools Healthy Snack & Parties Policy and Suggestions
Every year with the Library Media Specialist's help, students review a student-friendly version of the Acceptable Use Policy during their first Library Media classes.
Student Health Insurance Application