Nurse's Office
Medical Forms
- Procedure for Requesting Medication Administration
- Allergy Care Plan
- Asthma Action Plan
- Health Assessment Form
- Medication Authorization
- Seizure Action Plan
- Immunization Requirements
Procedure for Requesting Medication Administration
Allergy Care Plan
Asthma Action Plan
Health Assessment Form
Medication Authorization
Seizure Action Plan
Immunization Requirements
A Healthy Learning Environment
Our school nurse works hard to maintain a healthy environment at Dunbar Hill School. Following the established illness protocols for your child will help keep our school environment healthy.
Please inform the school nurse if your child develops a contagious illness, has a change in overall health, or has a new injury.
NOTE: Please check our news posts, our home page, and the district home page for information about instruction if quarantined, COVID protocols and what to do if your child has any symptoms, even if you don't think it is COVID. Let's stop COVID and protect our families, staff, and community.
Health Reminders
Daily Heath Assessment
There are many respiratory illnesses circulating - the “common cold”, Influenza, COVID-19, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). These illnesses have many overlapping symptoms – runny nose, cough, and fever. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms follow our Daily Health Assessment to determine if the student should come to school.
If your child tests positive for COVID-19, reach out to your healthcare provider for advice.
Consider getting Flu and COVID-19 vaccines, as these are considered the most effective ways to prevent serious illness from these respiratory diseases. Here is the link to the new respiratory disease guidance.
Flu season is upon us. Please read this guide for parents about the flu from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center for Disease Control.