Finance and Business Services
Our Finance and Business Services Department is directly involved with many aspects of the district that help us run smoothly. The list of services they oversee is long, and includes district transportation, food services, finance (including purchasing, making payments and managing our budget), payroll and more. Finance and Business Services staff include:
Tom Ariola, Chief Operating Officer (203) 668-7273
Dawn Albizu, Business and Transportation Supervisor (203) 407-2423
George Rostkowski, Grants and Construction Accountant (203) 407-2237
Joanne Masso, Finance Clerk 11 (203) 407-2238
Barbara Schettino, Payroll Clerk (203) 407-2241
Joyce McCann, Payroll Clerk (203) 407-2240
Open Bids
There are no open bids at the present.