Access to Online Programs
It could be challenging accessing all the online programs your child will need during elementary school. This is why we are making it easier for parents/students get easily connected with all the online learning tools. All of our students will receive a Google Chromebook when registered. It is good to get familiar with operating a Chromebook since all of Hamden Public Schools is using this device with its programs for in-school and at home learning.
Logging in
The First step is learning how to log on.
Example: Student is Alex Sanchez
Alex will graduate in 2031
Password: 8 digit (9000....)
For further assistance with logging in and all of your media/technology questions
Contact our School Media Specialist: Karen Kraemer
Students can use ONE LOG IN to access almost all of our Math,
Reading, and EL Learner programs by logging in to CLEVER.COM.
Here is how:
STEP 1 & 2
Type in your browser.
Then click on Log in as a student.
Type in Church Street
Select Church Street School Hamden, CT
Make sure "Hamden Public School District" displays on top.
Click on Student w/Network Credentials
STEP 5 & 6
Type your Login information.
Then click on Log in.
Log in questions:
What is my log in username?
- It is the same username used to log on to the Google Chromebook. DO NOT add the For example. John Smith graduates in 2031. His user name would be Smithj31.
What is my password?
- It is the same 8 digit password used to log on to the Google Chromebook. Numbers usually start with 9000.
I still cannot log in?
- Please contact the Media Specialist, Nicole Fekete. Her email is