Equity Team

The Bear Path School Equity Team strives to support diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts for students, families, and staff through the implementation of the five principles outlined in the Hamden Public Schools Diversity statement (P.R.I.D.E.):

  • Persistence: We intend to be persistent: confident, adaptable and driven to present and receive materials and activities that are respectful of the diversity in our community inclusive of gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race and culture.
  • Responsibility: We intend to model responsible language, sharing and dialogue; to lead with a strong moral compass, and be accountable, contributing members of the community. We intend to be fearless, intentional and responsive to issues, within our community and the larger society.
  • Inquiry: We intend to inquire; to connect, wonder, investigate, construct and express; to appreciate and encourage suggestions.
  • Diversity: We are diverse and believe that our strength lies in our diversity. By acknowledging and appreciating ourselves and the world around us, we reaffirm that belief.
  • Empathy: We are empathetic. We intend to identify and understand the perspectives, experiences, and motivations of others. We intend to be kind and open minded.