Integrated PreSchool
What is Integrated PreSchool?
Integrated PreSchool combines special education students with regularly developing typical peers. This combination allows all children experiences to work, play, learn and interact together.
The program provides high-quality preschool programming for Hamden residents between the ages of 3.5 and 5 years old. Integrated PreSchool is held four days per week for half-days, either morning or afternoon sessions. There is no cost for the program.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) related to our Integrated Preschool Program at Alice Peck Learning Center
Where is the program located?
The program is located at Alice Peck Learning Center, 35 Hillfield Road (corner of Shepard Ave.) in Hamden.
How much will it cost for my child to attend?
There is no cost for this program.
What are the hours and days of operation?
The program is a half-day program, meeting four days per week (Monday through Thursday) either mornings or afternoons during the regular school year. The morning session meets 8:30-11:30 a.m. and the afternoon session meets 12:30-3:30 p.m.
Is there childcare before and after preschool?
Hamden Public Schools does not provide childcare before and after program hours .
What are the age requirements for the Integrated Program?
Students must be 3.5 years old by September 1st of the current school year. Typical peer candidates must be Hamden residents, potty trained, and exhibit age-appropriate English language, behavior, and social skills. In addition, they are required to take part in a screening in order to be accepted into the program.
Will transportation be provided?
No, transportation will not be provided. Parents of our typical peer students must provide their own transportation.
Will lunch be available through the school meal program?
No. Program sessions do not include meal times. Parents provide one snack and one drink each day.
Who will be teaching my child?
All classes will be lead by a certified preschool teacher and the appropriate number of paraprofessionals based on classroom needs.
How many children in a classroom?
There will be a maximum of 14 children in an integrated preschool classroom.
What are the facilities like?
Alice Peck Learning Center provides a traditional classroom environment equipped with age-appropriate furnishings and resources. Children will have access to the school’s gymnasium, playground and fields.
If you are interested in our Integrated/Typical Peer Preschool Program, please contact Alice Peck Learning Center at 203-407-2010.